InvestHK Service Providers Directory

573 Results found
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Three Commas Group Limited
Hong Kong
Three Commas is a combination of co-working and business centre which provides professional concierge service and business solutions to start-ups, small businesses and freelancers. All of the private offices are designed with windows or private balcony and noise reduced walls to create a comfortable and spacious working environment. Three commas strive to foster an affordable and crossed platform to people looking for collaboration opportunities, business growth and networking.
Specialized in:
Co-working Space
Contact person(s):
Year founded
Tanner De Witt
Hong Kong
Tanner De Witt Solicitors is an independent business law firm in Hong Kong. It offers legal advice in a range of fields, including: Corporate and Commercial; Litigation and Dispute Resolution; Banking and Finance; Wills and Trust; Fraud and Asset Tracing; China Practice Group; Arbitration-Domestic and International; Fintech; Mediation; Family and Matrimonial; Private Client; Insolvency and Restructuring; Employment and Immigration; Financial Services Regulation; and Criminal, including White Collar Crime. The firm acts for international groups and companies as well as local companies and individuals.
Specialized in:
Accounting, Legal & Business Support
Contact person(s):
Year founded
No of Employees
APEC Group (hereafter “APEC”) helps companies improve their odds of successful in the capital markets through an integrated, battle-tested financing strategies approach that links strategies, technical knowledge and execution. Listing a company requires rigorous follow-through on a long list of tasks. Our guiding principles are: tailor the pre-IPO strategies; refine where it matters; and act with deliberate speed. APEC consultants help companies build and execute on their own models for listing. We also apply our expertise to guide companies and management teams that are deciding when and where to grow and develop through various activities in the capital market. APEC consultants also help listed companies keep pace with this rapidly changing compliance environment. We collaborate with the company board and the management team to identify regulatory challenges and build and implement practical solutions designed to meet the regulatory responsibilities, assess the risks involved as well as other requirement as a listed company.
Specialized in:
Accounting & Company Secretarial
Contact person(s):
Year founded
KOS International Limited
Hong Kong and 3 other(s)
Founded in 2009, KOS International Limited (“KOS”) is one of the subsidiaries of KOS International Holdings Ltd (KOS Group), which is the first locally-established recruitment firm listed on the Hong Kong Exchange GEM Board (HKEX Stock Code: 8042), and is responsible for managing all of the KOS brands and services. KOS Group brands include KOS Recruitment, KOS Staffing, , KOS Executive Search and KOS Solutions. We currently have 5 locations including Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Macau and Singapore with more than 100 staff.
Specialized in:
HR, Education & Relocation
Contact person(s):
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No of Employees
4HK Limited
Hong Kong and 2 other(s)
4HK- For Hong Kong, is an experiencial agency that provides digital marketing services and consultation for our clients & brands. With a proven track record and reputation in the industry, we grow together with our client's business through data and providing insights for them to reach their KPIs and achieve success. At 4HK we focus on solving our client’s problems through performance & creative solutions.
Specialized in:
Advertising & Digital Marketing
Contact person(s):
Year founded
No of Employees
康达香港依托于北京康达律师事务所(以下简称康达)35年争议解决历史积淀及22间分所资配置,在业界享有极高盛誉。康达香港发轫于北京康达厚盈的世界500强企业及中国头部企业法律服务实践,包括但不限于KPMG、Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu、CNP ASSURANCES、RED BULL、Castile Freire brothers、Heineken、HK New World Group、TAI WAN GLASS、Foxconn Technology、Fujitsu、COFCO、BBMG、BAIC MOTOR、EMC等,康达(香港)律师事 务所位于港岛西区上环核心地带,香港甲级写字楼信德中心(SHUN TAK CENTRE)。信德中心位于香港上环干诺道中200号,属港岛甲级写字楼,邻上环港铁站,近港澳码头,由马海建筑师事务所典藏设计。
Specialized in:
Accounting, Legal & Business Support
Contact person(s):
Year founded
No of Employees
Waystone is the leading provider of institutional governance, risk and compliance services to the asset management industry. Partnering institutional investors, investment funds and asset managers, Waystone builds, supports and protects investment structures and strategies worldwide. With over 20 years’ experience and a comprehensive range of specialist services to its name, Waystone is now serving assets under management in excess of $1Tn.
Specialized in:
Banking, Finance & Insurance
Contact person(s):
Year founded
UDomain Web Hosting Co Ltd
Hong Kong
UDomain Web Hosting Company Ltd. is dedicated to providing state-of-the-art web hosting services to our clients. Founded in 1998, UDomain is formed by a group of top-notched Internet specialists, all possessing a strong business acumen and years of experience in the industry. Since inception, UDomain has been growing rapidly to become a key service provider of web hosting, infrastructure and facility management to over 10,000 corporations in Hong Kong, Mainland China and Taiwan. We pride ourselves in being the first to provide pan regional web hosting services as well as 24-hour technical support in the market. Furthermore, we have invested over 1 million dollars in setting up UDomain Private Data Centre and we are the first to own a private data centre in the industry.
Specialized in:
Enterprise solutions
Contact person(s):
Year founded
No of Employees
MEI Services Limited
China and 1 other(s)
Since 1988, MEI Services in Hong Kong offers corporate, tax and accounting services to SME, expatriates and entrepreneurs for business development in Asia and Mainland China.
Specialized in:
Accounting & Company Secretarial
Contact person(s):
Year founded
JLL is a global real estate services firm specializing in commercial property and investment management. They provide services for real estate owners, occupiers, and investors worldwide, helping organizations achieve their ambitions through professionals. JLL Corporate Appraisal and Advisory team provides integrated valuation and advisory services for corporate clients in fund raising and financial reporting purposes.
Specialized in:
Accounting, Legal & Business Support
Contact person(s):
Showing 1-10 of 573 results